The prophet Elisha lived during a time of great spiritual darkness, when many of God’s people had stopped looking for God to intervene on their behalf. But not Elisha. He trusted that God could do the impossible, and the Lord did, time and time again. In his six-part series It Is Supernatural, Dr. Michael Youssef explores the life of Elisha as told in the book of 2 Kings, sharing the story of one man who knew that nothing was impossible for the God he served.
When you reflect on your week -- the decisions you made, your response to each day's challenges -- is there evidence of faith in your life?
In this 12-part series, Dr. Michael Youssef digs deep into the epistle of James to highlight 12 Evidences of Faith God wants to establish in our lives. Through a practical, detailed study of James, Dr. Youssef shares how we can have a dynamic, living faith founded on the Word of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit -- a faith that is evident in our relationships, our finances, our decisions, and even in our trials.
The 12 Evidences of Faith series is the companion to Dr. Youssef's new book, God, Just Tell Me What to Do.
Although known for his rise from ruddy shepherd boy to great king of Israel, the special nature of David’s relationship with God shines past his accomplishments.
In his 15-part series A Heart for God, Dr. Michael Youssef takes an extensive look at the highs and lows of David’s life, showing you the power of a life surrendered to God. As you discover the grander picture of David’s life, you’ll also see how it all points to Jesus, the perfect King who works through broken people with willing hearts.
Series Contents:
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shares the key to happiness by giving us the Beatitudes. Immediately afterward, He then begins teaching us how to embody or appropriate these Beatitudes in our everyday lives. In this 8-part series, a companion series to Dr. Youssef’s teaching series Happiness Is in You, Dr. Michael Youssef helps us discover the complexities and implications of Jesus’ profound message.
Preaching verse by verse, Dr. Youssef demonstrates how Jesus came to fulfill all that God taught His people in the Old Testament—showing us how to be salt and light, how to control our anger, and much more. He truly has given us all that we need to live a blessed life in Him!
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shares the key to happiness by giving us the Beatitudes. Immediately afterward, He then begins teaching us how to embody or appropriate these Beatitudes in our everyday lives. In this 8-part series, a companion series to Dr. Youssef’s teaching series Happiness Is in You, Dr. Michael Youssef helps us discover the complexities and implications of Jesus’ profound message.
Preaching verse by verse, Dr. Youssef demonstrates how Jesus came to fulfill all that God taught His people in the Old Testament—showing us how to be salt and light, how to control our anger, and much more. He truly has given us all that we need to live a blessed life in Him!
Scripture clearly communicates that Jesus Christ wants us to take His Second Coming seriously and that we must be prepared for His return. Unpack the signs of Christ's return in Back to the Future. In this four-part series, Michael Youssef delineates what will happen globally prior to Christ's return and warns Christ's own to be on their guard against false teachers, preachers, and messiahs.
Scripture: Revelation
Scripture clearly communicates that Jesus Christ wants us to take His Second Coming seriously and that we must be prepared for His return. Unpack the signs of Christ's return in Back to the Future. In this four-part series, Michael Youssef delineates what will happen globally prior to Christ's return and warns Christ's own to be on their guard against false teachers, preachers, and messiahs.
Scripture: Revelation
The Bible, from cover to cover, is the Word of God breathed by the Spirit of God. Because Scripture is God-breathed, you can trust it, you can feed on it, and you can defend it. In fact, your defense of the Word of God is not based on blind faith, but on evidentiary faith.
In his two-part series, Be Equipped for the Battle, Michael Youssef provides five indisputable evidences for the Bible so that you are confident in the Truth of Scripture.
The Bible, from cover to cover, is the Word of God breathed by the Spirit of God. Because Scripture is God-breathed, you can trust it, you can feed on it, and you can defend it. In fact, your defense of the Word of God is not based on blind faith, but on evidentiary faith.
In his two-part series, Be Equipped for the Battle, Michael Youssef provides five indisputable evidences for the Bible so that you are confident in the Truth of Scripture.
The culture is working tirelessly to water down the Gospel by steering the next generation toward humanism and universalism. In his 7-part series, Beware of Spiritual Amnesia, Michael Youssef calls believers to repent of their spiritual apathy and to begin to intentionally intercede and equip the next generation with the Gospel Truth.
Compassion has become an overused word in the modern world and has come to mean nothing more than sympathetic tolerance. In this five-part series from the book of Jonah, Biblical Compassion, Michael Youssef explains the difference between the biblical compassion of the God of Scripture and political or humanistic compassion.
Most Christians enjoy hearing about God's blessings, but few know why they are so blessed. Learn how to be a conduit of blessing to those around you in this timely series. What one area is it hardest for you to trust God? Did you know your salvation comes with a guarantee? Should "the pursuit of happiness" really be your ultimate pursuit? What are some of the guidelines for serving God and growing mature in the faith? Find the answers to these questions and more in this series.
"Peter, The Rebuilt Man"
"Count Your Blessings"
"Fully Trust in Your Blessor"
"Grow Through The Blessings"
"Plumb the Depth of Your Blessings"
"Be a Blessing"
"Imitate Your Blessor"
"Develop Your Blessor's Characteristics"
"The Blessings of Biblical Self-Esteem"
"The Lifestyle of The Blessed and Joyful"
"The Humility of The Blessed"
"The Tolerance of the Blessed"
"Warning, "Don't Take Your Blessings for Granted"
"The Blessed are Vigilant"
Scripture: 1 Peter
How do you raise a godly family? In Building Godly Families, Michael Youssef explains how to keep your family from drifting along with the culture. He exhorts Christian parents — and especially fathers — to assume their God-given responsibilities to provide leadership in their homes.
"Children Are a Heritage From the Lord"
"Believing God for Your Family"
"The Priesthood of the Father"
"The Subtle Sin of Compromise"
Scripture: Psalm 127:3
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In this six-part teaching series, Call On Me, Michael Youssef shares the importance of praying to God consistently, persistently, and expectantly. Using examples from Scripture, believers are encouraged to rejoice in the hope of Christ, to remember past blessings with gratitude, to expect God to do great things for His glory, and to cry out to God on behalf of the next generation of believers. Dr. Youssef also reveals how to overcome the most common hindrances to communicating with God so that our prayers are most effective for His kingdom.
In this six-part teaching series, Call On Me, Michael Youssef shares the importance of praying to God consistently, persistently, and expectantly. Using examples from Scripture, believers are encouraged to rejoice in the hope of Christ, to remember past blessings with gratitude, to expect God to do great things for His glory, and to cry out to God on behalf of the next generation of believers. Dr. Youssef also reveals how to overcome the most common hindrances to communicating with God so that our prayers are most effective for His kingdom.
Many Christians today are unaware of the invisible war they face on a daily basis—but the first step to conquering your enemy is knowing his tactics.
In this engaging four-part series, Dr. Michael Youssef provides a Biblical understanding of Satan's strategies and the simple truths we can apply in order to defeat him. How can you guard yourself against deception? What does the Bible say about heaven, hell, angels, and demons?
Dr. Youssef shares valuable insights that will shape the way you understand spiritual warfare. Utilizing a seven-point counteroffensive, you'll be equipped to conquer as you put on the full armor of God.
Note: Conquer is the teaching series companion to Dr. Youssef's book, Conquer: Your Battle Plan for Spiritual Victory.
In our society today, many are attempting to redefine marriage to accommodate their own lifestyles. But marriage is not merely a human idea—it was God's invention. And if it was His idea, He must also have something to say about how to live our married lives. In his three-part series Crafted: Marriage God's Way, Dr. Michael Youssef reveals the three foundations that can make or break a marriage. Learn what they are and discover the path to a fulfilled, vibrant relationship with your spouse.
As the Church goes, so goes the culture. There is perhaps no greater trigger for our cultural decline than the absence of the Cross of Christ from many a pulpit. In Cross Conundrum, Michael Youssef affirms the relevance, power, and purpose of the Cross in our lives. He also explores why the Cross has become both stigma and enigma in our world today.